Quinta Da Murta red


Light & Fresh
Red berries with notes of pepper and spices, some violet and mineral background evidence. Perfect balance between fruit and wood.


A unique terroir made of limestone and marl, a hillside facing south-east under the influence of
the atlantic ocean, for a very fine fresh wine :
Quinta da Murta, tucked away in gentle chalky hills of Bucelas demarked region, is located 25 km North East Lisbon, in
the Basin Lusitanica dating from upper Jurassic, lower Tithonian (Portlandian). The Soil is formed of calcareous marl,
crystalline limestone with numerous presence of fossils trigonia, ostrea and various bivalves.
All contribute to a very fine mineralite with shell note, roundness and suppleness of the wine. The vineyards are all
planted on high slope, south and south-east exposition, at 250 meters altitude, protected from Atlantic westerlies winds
by a ridge of hills.
The area enjoys a very specific micro climate, relatively cool and humid in winter and during the nights, warm and dry
during summer daytime. All contribute to a perfect grape ripening but keeping the freshness of the Atlantic ocean.
A traditional viticulture privileging bio-dynamic :
Before the plantation of the vineyard, 25 years ago, the limestone soil was occupied by bushes with myrtle berries. Soil
has been scrambled 2 meters deep, cow and horse manure was spread and pass with chisel to bury the fertilizer and
regularize the soil for plantation.
The vineyard is traditionally cultivated in a protected area and total biodiversity in flora and fauna, planted with a
relative low density of 4000 plants/ha twice pruned during winter and spring time in bilateral Royat cordon. Lusitania
horse manure is now applied between rows where grasses naturally grow; sustainable viticulture certified, an
integrated pest management system is strictly observed, privileging always biodynamic, allowing to harvest high quality
and aromatic grape at a low yield of 6t/ha.
A very specific wine making and maturation for revealing fruit, fresh aromas and flavors :
Manual harvest is handled in small case of 25kg at the right maturation period for acidity, sugar, polyphenol and aromas,
followed by a delicate sorting of the grapes avoiding rotten or green ones, then by a gentle destalking and crushing.
The wine is elaborated exclusively from the most selected plots and variety of grapes Touriga Nacional and Syrah. A
cool maceration at 12C and a fermentation at 24-26C, a gentle pressing, a malolactic fermentation occur separately
per grape variety, followed by a long maturation which happen entirely in French oak barrels during at least one year.
, then gen intervention and dangerous oxy
An exclusive stabilization by multiple decantation at low temperature, then a gentle filtration keeping structure and
color before bottling at Quinta da Murta occurs before aging the bottled wine during at least one more year.
Wine tasting :
Fine red wine, medium body with excellent structure, a lot of red and black berries with notes of pepper and spices,
some violet and mineral background evidence. Perfect balance between fruit and wood.
Ideal with any type of daily western, Mediterranean or oriental food, white or red meat, fish, pasta, grilled, baked or





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>150 different wines
Since 2012
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